Saturday, January 27, 2018

On the upcoming SOTU

Dear President Trump,

You are on the verge of being the most consequential President since Ronald Reagan. We are all looking forward to an epic Presidential State of the Union address where you go over the many accomplishments of yours and your administration. With Tax Reform done, Immigration Reform is the next legacy making issue followed by Infrastructure and Modernizing the Military. Let us not forget a better Affordable Healthcare System. Obama delivered a flawed Obamacare. You can deliver a truly affordable healthcare system.

On Immigration:

Please explain the “four pillars” of immigration, Recruit Tom Cotton to draft that portion. Please explain the pitfalls of Chain Migration, and the impact on Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid if the 11 million illegal immigrants are granted a path to citizenship. The diversity lottery is also no longer relevant. The time for “the tired and the poor” is long gone. The US needs highly qualified people and temporary workers for farms and predominantly labour oriented jobs. Automation is rapidly eliminating many jobs and granting permanent status to temporary workers will result in future problems.

Regarding DACA, Obama did not promise citizenship to the Dreamers. One alternative is give them Permanent Guest Worker Permits and for them to be eligible for the H1B program, and be sponsored for a Green Card. This is a well established process that will weed out the qualified Dreamers from the others. The others would have an opportunity to upgrade their skills and take advantage of the H1B process or live their lives out as Permanent Guest Workers.

Regarding the 11 million or so illegal immigrants that include the parents of the Dreamers, allow them to get a job offer that gets validated to a Renewable Work Permit, after they go back to their country of origin and return with proper documents.

This would be a fair deal for the Dreamers, the presently illegal immigrants and fair to the rest of the US who constitute the majority.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

On Immigration

Dear President,

Why cant Republicans come together on basic immigration issues namely:
  1. No chain migration except for spouses and under eighteen children of spouses if any.
  2. Merit based immigration and an end to diversity lottery
  3. Adequate funding for border security including for a wall wherever applicable
  4. Some DACA solution that Republicans can agree on.
Regardless of what the DACA solution is it should not apply to parents of DACA kids who are eighteen or over or when they turn eighteen. The parents broke the law and should be treated as an other illegal immigrants when they have no under eighteen kids.

The demonstrating DACA supporters are doing themselves a disfavor and will receive the ire of the people. The DACA kids have to realize they need to be humble and not be demanding.
