Friday, September 15, 2017

So Long DACA

Dear President Trump,

If it is decided that the DACA kids can stay on a temporary or possible permanent basis, their parents have to produce proper papers or self deport and return with proper papers. Perhaps they can be brought under a work permit program, with no path to citizenship. DACA parents broke the law and should be held accountable.

DACA was being challenged by the many State Attorney Generals and rescinding it was the right thing to do. If the court struck down DACA it would have become an even bigger issue.

The Dreamers ought to be put through a rigorous qualification process. Let them finish their studies and then they ought to go to the country where they were brought from. That country will benefit from their expertise. If they join the armed forces, great. They need to serve for at least ten years. If they are highly qualified and a US Citizen or legal resident is not available, make an exception.

According to the liberal, moral, elite any child brought to the US illegally who is law abiding, should be given a path to citizenship? This statement that these "children" know no other country is true but an emotional issue. They need to produce papers of their parents citizenship to stay.

Asking Congress to address is the right thing to do. You have been consistent. Even when you said you love them, that doesn't mean that you will unilaterally extend an unconstitutional Presidential Order.

We don't know where some of these illegal immigrants came from. Before they are given permission to either stay with a work permit or otherwise, they need to produce proper papers that prove their origin.

NO AMNESTY for illegal immigrants. They broke the law and have to deal with the circumstances.