Monday, July 3, 2017

Need a sense of Urgency

Dear President,

You enunciated a set objectives that were Spot On. Now it is time to get Congress to go through the process of making SAUSAGE and bring it to fruition. Please instill a sense of URGENCY to get CONGRESS to deliver. AMERICA can't wait to be GREAT AGAIN. How about launching parallel TASK FORCES to proceed on Tax, Immigration as well. Make this a competitive race to finish.

Cruz had a post card size Tax Return proposal. That maybe impractical. How about simplifying personal tax returns. Keep the House Mortgage Deduction, funding retirement and healthcare. Allow Charitable and Tax Free bonds such as Infrastructure and other Private Public Partnerships (PPP). Corporate Tax Return is a separate issue. Capital gains only on gains realized by selling personal house, investing in IPOs, companies issuing additional stock for new capital, low income real estate constructions, PPP etc.

Rubio was involved in Immigration Reform. The stake in the ground is NO path to CITIZENSHIP for law breakers. However give them the opportunity to obtain a work permit. We need to know where they came from. So in order to validate the work permit they have to go back to where they came from and come back with proper papers for their spouse and kids. No social security, Medicare, Medicaid for these workers. Compulsory enrollment in healthcare. Deportation for people without work permits and fines for employers who employ undocumented temporary workers.

Why is this all so hard?
